It's not thousands and thousands of dollars, it's just a bit too much to make it easy to undo on a graduate student salary.
It's small things that rack up. It's small things that don't get easily factored into budgets: flowers for the groomsmen, that case of soda you forgot, lighting for the venue.
All of the predictable stuff like catering, venue hire etc. was absorbed by our (wonderful) parents. Day to day stuff was me. Now I need to figure out what to do.
It's easy to talk about not going into debt when you have a decent job. I never had a problem when I was working. Now I'm a student on what amounts to subsistence wages in CA. That's when it gets tricky.
If you have wealthy enough parents you might suggest that you consolidate your debt with them, that at least gets you off the hook for the interest. That's the killer longer term anyway. I think that's not an unreasonable request between family members. I've done it for my mom at times and she has done it for me as well before then. Looking out for each other is better than to have everybody save and borrow from the bank, and a lot cheaper too. Assuming everybody is honorable and you keep a paper record of what gets borrowed and what's been returned to avoid confusion.
It's small things that rack up. It's small things that don't get easily factored into budgets: flowers for the groomsmen, that case of soda you forgot, lighting for the venue.
All of the predictable stuff like catering, venue hire etc. was absorbed by our (wonderful) parents. Day to day stuff was me. Now I need to figure out what to do.
It's easy to talk about not going into debt when you have a decent job. I never had a problem when I was working. Now I'm a student on what amounts to subsistence wages in CA. That's when it gets tricky.