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This doesn't exist right now, but theoretically a network like Ethereum whose tokens exist as state within Turing-complete contracts, could solve "counterparty redemption across forks" by simply allowing each contract to react to the fork "event" independently on each resultant forked chain. It'd be a lot like how the actual POSIX fork(3) call works!

Presumably, the default implementation of such a fork-event handler would have all but one of the contracts destroy themselves (and not in the common Ethereum sense of a contract "suicide", with the owner getting returned any held value; but instead with the contract simply blackholing all its value and state.)

I think this would create a bunch of security concerns and make the state of the contracts not immutable and would result in even more problems. Even though the contracts are deployed on a chain it they also take resources to execute (which is represented by gas) so at the end of the day if this occurred you would basically have one master contract with all the resources which would be a huge security concern since who is enforcing that people are honest?

Contract state isn't immutable. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by "state" here? The storage slots in an EVM contract can be freely written to by said contract. That's how ERC20 tokens work—the balances of the token in people's accounts are simply storage slots, that get updated by the contract when the tokens are moved around. (Yes, actual slots. EVM arrays are weird; they actually expand out into the contract's storage-slot keyspace by hashing all the array indices together and storing the result at the slot identified by the hash.)

> they also take resources to execute (which is represented by gas)

...and so you'd need to pay to fork, proportionally to the number of contracts that wanted to react to your fork. Though keep in mind that the forked network on the "new" side would have a low hashpower, and so a low gasPrice, and so could afford the required gas quite easily (the base-case being one where the forking entity temporarily controls 100% of the hash power of the network, and thereby can just "pay themselves" the gas, just like when bootstrapping a new Ethereum private chain.)

The more questionable aspect is that the network "being forked against" would also need to pay. Somehow, you'd need to make it such that the whole of the network would "want" to execute such transactions. Mind you, gas just prioritizes which transactions go through; if the "right of way" of fork-event contract-input transactions is hardcoded, it doesn't matter how much gas goes along with it—the network will run them. You can even just add some code that means that the network can't make progress until those transactions are in. (I.e. that chain consensus will treat chains that had the same fork-event transactions appear "earlier" in them as better, so it's useless to put work besides inserting a fork-event transaction in, knowing that the branch you'll be creating by doing so will be outcompeted by one that just executed the fork-event transaction first.)

> you would basically have one master contract with all the resources

I don't see how this implies that. The fork-er doesn't get to decide what's happening inside the contract, on either side of the fork. The network, on each side, is just sending an event—"hey, the network forked, you {are/aren't} on the forked side"—to each contract that wants to know, and it's up to the contract to decide what to do with that information. Each contract is still a standalone program with its own private memory-space that nothing else can touch.

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