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PG Got Twitter So I Made Hacker News For Tweets (hackertweet.com)
58 points by dkasper on Sept 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

some ideas to think about:

- on http://celebritytweetarchive.com/ users can leave comments under tweets - also seen on tweetmeme. If you can get people commenting, that'd be massive.

- there isn't a twitter account to follow with the submissions. Then place an additional link back the comments page in those tweets.

- have user icons

- count submission points by the number of rewteets made on site, and generally by the site's users off-site, or just number of retweets (or an upvote)

- you could just create a generic 'digg for tweets' - then have a bookmarklet that a person clicks when viewing a single tweet to submit the tweet, or toggle into the site.

- perhaps when a tweet is submitted, it becomes a favorite, or when it is favorited, it is submitted.

- split the site into different sections, eg see http://favstar.fm

I'm trying the "digg for tweets" thing (http://laughlitm.us), its hard to gain traction because its hard to get a viral loop going without needlessly injecting the site into retweets. I am happy with how people can submit though.

That's a niche site, how could you broaden it out, though?

Another interesting idea, would be for submitters to authenticate with such a site, and have it check their "retweets_of_me" "retweeted_by_me" and "retweeted_to_me" aiming to surface what's important.

Tweetmeme has a comedy channel, I wonder how they get their tweets. http://tweetmeme.com/category/comedy - but the tweet is not initially shown, only the link and its extracted content.

Is there a twitter site aimed at crafting the best possible lists in certain categories?

The idea of counting favourites or retweets is actually the idea I was working against. I've always figured that makes it easy to find already easy to find tweets. To say nothing of "retweeted alot" != "funny", even if its from a comedian feed.

I would assume tweetmeme flag comedian feeds and counts retweet links.

I believe there are list sites, but the focus is on the feed rather than the tweet.

I like it. Please keep on making it better.

Hope you don't mind constructive criticism. Here are some of my thoughts:

- Individual tweet pages are linking to themselves

- Your title is plural, your domain is not

- Make Tweets plain text with parsed URLs and have separate link to comment thread

- Need a confirmation box or some disclosure before ReTweets are actually done

- I would like to vote, but not ReTweet in some cases (possibly for 'bookmarking')

- Integrate ability to follow the publisher

Shouldn't the links within the tweet be clickable?

Probably, couldn't get everything done in one night :)

Very nice indeed.

Maybe you could also monitor some #hackertweet hash tag and include the matching tweets. That would be convenient to submit a tweet from any client, not just yours.

I like the idea, but next time I visit how do I see the new tweets because they arent ordered chronologically? With reddit and hackernews I usually click through the link and next time I visit I will see the different color link text so I can quickly see what is new. Just something to think about.

how does this work? Tweets by ppl following pg?

No, submit tweets just like Hacker News. Retweets vote up, comments are @replied to the person.

Like the idea, but the blue text on white is hard on the eyes. Maybe a black on gray color scheme like HN?

What's Paul Graham's twitter handle?

Why does it need write access?

It says comments will be posted to Twitter.

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