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He was referring to the title of the article in the last sentence. I think if there is a better article on their research, it may help in explaining better as this article seems shy on explanations.

Also, the article cites that the nondrinkers may be more likely to be poor. This means a) less medical care to have doctors find things early, b) less stress, and c) they are not benefiting from escaping any stress they do have. Really, this article seems more like, "Stress kills, alcohol relieves stress temporarily, those who drink often have less responsibilities." So an alternative to alcohol: relaxation.

It also (as far as the article) does not go into detail about how many were from natural causes, etc. I'd be interested in whether the nondrinkers were more prone to heart attacks and this caused the discrepancy in deaths.

I can see so many holes in the research that I think it is far from conclusive on the matter.

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