I refuse to let a simple phrase like that become verboten just because a certain configuration of it was used by someone that our circles of friends dislike. Personally, I think it’s a funny reappropriation.
But either way, this isn’t particularly germane to the conversation, and you could even argue that it wasn’t done intentionally considering that Medium used to be readable.
Anyway, Medium is annoyingly hard to read now, and I’m glad someone’s done something to fix it.
>just because a certain configuration of it was used by someone that our circles of friends dislike.
I'm going to stand on the side of this issue and argue it's more than that the configuration of "Make X Y Again" was used by people circles of my friends dislike, it was a rallying call, a point of campaigning, to cause a deliberate division of people at the expense of individuals whose mere presence makes America less than great according to some-on deeply superficial grounds.
But yes, not really relevant to the discussion.
I will ask this though: In what ways is Medium difficult to read? Personally speaking it's one of the easiest sites to read, just curious what that experience is like for other people, clearly it's pronounced enough for someone to make a browser extension. Just wondering.
I do hate the amount of clicking that has to go on just to read "Network" responses, however.
But either way, this isn’t particularly germane to the conversation, and you could even argue that it wasn’t done intentionally considering that Medium used to be readable.
Anyway, Medium is annoyingly hard to read now, and I’m glad someone’s done something to fix it.