I would have gone for the 8 hrs option. Polluting the ui with redundant information and flow on impact to reporting potentially. The impact of saving some hrs might end up amounting to even more. Also, testing and lifecycle of this approach could be worse. And a sign of how we sometimes get carried away by tge tech definition. Why call it 1 or more tickets rather than any tickets?
That's the point I was trying to make. This was something where we could've bikeshedded for weeks with numerous interdepartmental meetings and spent way more hours than necessary to try to come to the optimal solution. Instead since both the user and I had the power to come to the final decision together, we picked this option.
If it works, then we spent less time on the business problem than I've spent writing my two comments here. If it doesn't work, we go back and decide if 8 hours to fix osTicket is worth it or not. Or maybe we find an osTicket consultant to do it for us. Or we find a hosted, mobile-friendly alternative to replace osTicket. Or we integrate this feature into our existing ERP system.
There are a million ways to do anything. Nobody has the time to do any of them in the real-world when we all have hundreds of things to do on a daily basis. The right/optimal/correct solution isn't often the most appropriate solution and vice-versa. People willing to take risks and defend their stances on difficult decisions can get work done. Otherwise you get 'Nobody Ever Got Fired for Buying IBM'.