"We've also designed the new checks to not block search engine crawlers, your existing whitelists, and other pre-vetted traffic. As a result, enabling I'm Under Attack Mode will not negatively impact your SEO or known legitimate visitors."
"What's also cool is that data on attack traffic that doesn't pass the automatic checks is fed back into CloudFlare's system to further enhance our traditional protections."
"[P]re-vetted traffic"?
Does this mean they are whitelisting certain IP addresses?
GoogleBot can make hundreds of requests and double digit parallel connections, as frequently as they like, but a single user making one request and one connection is blocked because they are not enabling Javascript?
This does not sound like an intelligent filter.
"[K]nown legitimate visitors"?
What exactly does this mean? How do they "know" a visitor is "legitimate"?
"[A]ttack traffic that doesn't pass the automatic checks..."
Is it possible that non-attack traffic could fail the checks?
What about a single request from a single IP that does not pass the checks because the user does not have JavaScript enabled?
Does the IP address end up on some blacklist?
I have seen Cloudflare reject connections based on certain user agent strings, a header that everyone knows is user-configurable, arbitrary and not a reliable indicator of anything meaningful.
This despite volumes of "legitimate" traffic from same source preceding it. Pick wrong user agent string and suddenly the source becomes "illegitimate".
It would be interesting to know what "checks" the Javascript in question is performing.
I think cloudfare just needs to reject some percentage of all connections to reduce load on the website. The algorithm to decide which to accept/reject is meaningless as long as they hit the required reject percentage.
It's a requirement when a CloudFlare'd site is in "I'm under attack" mode.