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I am late to the party, but others may have similar interest:

Are there any physical 1000+ year clocks for sale?

Asking for a friend.

There are clock that run on small temperature variations, there seem to be commercial ones with a hefty price tag:


(previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16419434)

The problem is those don't have an automatic synchronization mechanism. That's the really tricky/cool part about the 10ky clock.

If you wanted to create, say, a time capsule that'll last for 1000 years with a working watch, I think your best bet would be some ultra-low power microcontroller and an LCD that you could turn on occasionally. Both power and syncronization could be done from temperature variations. Just leave it buried somewhere outdoors exposed to daily (night and day) and seasonal variations, it should be enough to keep time with +/- a few hours at decent probability.

Just make sure to avoid anything that exhibits remotely any degradation, like electrolytic capactitors, and account for erosion of the moving parts.

Some relevant discussion: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/317684/could...

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