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We bought an audio-only baby monitor and gave up on it for precisely this reason. We'd hear the baby, then two seconds later the baby monitor would wake up with a ksssht-WAAAH noise.

Now, what would be really helpful for small babies is consumer-available version of the 'clicker' breathing monitors they use in NICU wards. Our oldest was in NICU for nearly two weeks due to being a little prem, and when we got them home the lack of that regular 'click... click...' from the monitor was so hard to get used to.

Owlet sells a "smart sock" that measures pulse and O2 levels and alerts you if they drop below a set level.

It's not a medical grade device like the NICUs have, but it lets you rest easier knowing you'll be notified if your baby's pulse or O2 levels drop.

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