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Many use the DECT Standard that was developed for mobile handsets. It’s not high security, but it’s also not plain text.

They’re also not networked, so an adversary would have to get into range, making a potential attack much more complicated. It certainly won’t defend you from a targeted attack, but it will keep $random_person_on_the_internet reliably away and I don’t have to rely on $companies server/network security.

Well thats comforting :)

Exactly... there are many things for which not being connected to the 'net increase security a lot. You decrease the pool of crazies and crooks. However, once a stalker is interested in spying on your house... physical proximity isn't so much of a barrier.

"We begin by coveting what we see every day... Clarice"

I live on the fourth floor and the reception from my (audio only unidirectional) baby monitor doesn’t reach to the ground floor. So the stalker would need to be in one of the adjacent flats. Not an insurmountable barrier, but one that I feel comfortable with, since all I need protecting is baby babble.

Or just a better antenna. :)

Maybe. It’s still just baby babble.

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