You keep ignoring the primary point in order to argue semantics. Laws impact the economics of businesses operation, no matter how you define a business. The data tells us that our laws are maximizing wages for a small subset of the population. Other countries are not seeing this same divergence.
The laws in those countries are more similar to a time in the US where income was much more evenly distributed than today’s US laws. For those of us interested in improving the wage distribution for those in the bottom half, this is worth discussing. If you don’t think there is a problem, no need to comment.
> Laws impact the economics of businesses operation
Absolutely, they do. That does not imply the laws are not arbitrary.
> If you don’t think there is a problem
The US remains a country where poor people want to immigrate to in enormous numbers. Maybe they see something you don't.
Also, the share of GDP spent by the government has gone up, up, up along with increasing inequality. Maybe you should look at that? Somebody is paying for that. I suspect it is a cause of increasing inequality. The spending is so enormous that to ignore it when discussing other economic trends seems unrealistic.
The laws in those countries are more similar to a time in the US where income was much more evenly distributed than today’s US laws. For those of us interested in improving the wage distribution for those in the bottom half, this is worth discussing. If you don’t think there is a problem, no need to comment.