Is that valuable? Sure it is work and effort and all that, but is it valuable? Would we be better off without movies and video games? There are many in the "bible belt" who will argue that we are (the Amish are the most famous but there are plenty of others).
If something creates zero value for many (most) people but some value to others, then yes, that is valuable.
If I get a haircut, that's not valuable to at least 7 billion people worldwide, but it is valuable to me, so it is some positive value created.
In a similar manner, if a million gamers like some game (or a satanic black metal song) and the whole of bible belt does not, well, that's a lot of positive value created anyway; assuming no actual negative externalities where someone else gets harmed by it. Individual value is subjective, but it can be aggregated - if you consider that playing a particular videogame has negative value and don't play it, then the impact is zero; if I consider that playing the same game has positive value to me and do it, then it adds a positive contribution to the global value created; I got something I liked, and that's valuable by itself, asssuming noone else got hurt by this.