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I found the some of the terms confusing... "My Recommendations" I thought would mean movies that were recommended FOR me not BY me. Also Movies To Watch is ambiguous and same for Movies filtered. The tooltip popups when you mouseover help but the button names should be self-explanatory. Also, as far as the UI/UX is concerned, maybe color-coding them would make the buttons more 'intuitive'.

Also, while I understand the primary aim of your site is to let users manage their lists/recommendations, this feels a lot like 'expert-mode'. I myself would love an 'easy-mode' wehre I could get my automatic recommendations from other sources (implementing your own may recommender is probably not worth it at this point and would suffer from a cold-start) but ALSO be able to manage them at the same time (recommend to friends/filter/etc).

Also, maybe this may work well with a Facebook/Twitter integration (like tweet that I just watched such and such movie).

Also, as much as game mechanics have been played out, I think it would definitely be useful to have a system for ranking/rating people who make recommendations. You could create experts (if you want to rip off 4sq et. al, you could make people experts by awarding badges for things like watching 10 horror movies or making 100 successful recommendations that people watched).

All in all, I think it has the beginnings of a good product.

I will change the titles of each tab. Just need to come up with better names. Facebook/Twitter integration is on the card. I am still thinking about their possible use. Thanks zoudini.

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