The [value=foo] selector does not work for the actual value of the field, only the `value` attribute (used to set the initial value).
This means that both:
- typing the password
- setting the password via element.value=foo
will not work
The only thing that will hit this is setting the attribute via element.setAttribute("value", "foo"), and this will not update the password. It seems like React does this for whatever reason, though.
The [value=foo] selector does not work for the actual value of the field, only the `value` attribute (used to set the initial value).
This means that both:
- typing the password
- setting the password via element.value=foo
will not work
The only thing that will hit this is setting the attribute via element.setAttribute("value", "foo"), and this will not update the password. It seems like React does this for whatever reason, though.