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Clearly you need to go back in time and spend some time on your operating agreement, and then take Tom more seriously on his point that you need documents outlining how things are to be done--SO THAT YOU ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE.

You guys really screwed up by not putting in the effort up front to flesh out all the aspects of your business, and now all then unsaid things about responsibility are biting you in the ass. Betcha you guys don't really have titles because you think you're too small, am I right? Class newbie mistake--they're necessary because they clearly state what you are responsible for.

Well, I'd chalk this up to a learning experience for next time and then get everyone in a room and hash this all out as a last-ditch attempt to save your company. Otherwise someone will walk out or have a heart attack and your company is dead anyway. (BTW you DID think about this and address it in your operating agreement, right?) Draw up what the org chart SHOULD look like, and then have a realistic conversation about what it will take to get there, and if it is actually possible.

Speaking from experience as a technical founder, you need to put in some late nights and really try to buckle down and offload the grunt work that is killing you. Write up job descriptions and user stories, all of the stuff that makes it possible for someone BESIDES YOU to do the work. You can get developers for $15/hr on oDesk for crying out loud, there is no excuse for killing yourself like you are, it is the fact that it is easier to do it yourself right now. This is a death-vortex you will not escape from unless you make it your #1 priority.

(And yes, this comes from similar experience.)

We haven't written down who will be in charge of what in a document, but we mostly have complimentary roles.

Yes, we initially started off without titles, but gradually we have decided on the following.

Jerry is usually in charge of client interactions (CEO)

Tom is in charge of the financial, meeting the CA, making sure our books are in order. (CFO)

I am in charge making sure the development is going on smoothly. (CTO)

Other than the roles mentioned above all of us have been writing code.

Yes, you are right, we need to put in late nights to get the majority of the work completed, and make it such that we can offload it.

If you don't mind me asking, what was the ending to the situation you were in?

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