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I'm from an art background - and honestly, I couldn't disagree more.

The reason why most people are bad at 3d modeling is that most people are bad at art. Reproducing shapes from real life to any medium, if it's charcoal, or clay, or 3d, is very difficult. People who are good at it typically spent tens of thousands of hours practicing.

Part of what you learn in this practice is patience. Part of what you learn is a good eye. However, unless you're fundamentally allergic to tech - tools like Blender are simply way faster and more powerful than any other medium.

Consider an 'art' skill like making woodcuts. There's no 'undo'. Mistakes are very easy to make, and often involve stabbing yourself through the web of your thumb with a chisel. It takes days of painful, physically tiring work, that is very bad for your hands, to simply make the lines. It's like that because real material processes don't care about user-friendliness.

For me, learning Blender as an interface was enjoyable because I could see how much easier it was going to make my life. It's neither large, nor unduly complicated - I'd consider it similar to learning vim, or photoshop. The real problems - the hard problems, are art problems.

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