I'm located in the EU and have built a server software project which is currently in private beta. This week, out of the blue, I've been contacted by an US company expressing interest in an acquisition. They talked about some cash up-front (6 digits) and hiring me. This is all new to me.
The company and I communicate via email and telephone conferences. I guess such a deal won't be closed only remotely and they will probably invite me over before reaching an agreement.
* Which steps would be involved in selling my project and getting hired by them?
* What guarantees can/should either party ask for?
* Should they be able to see the full source code in advance?
I would greatly appreciate your advice and experiences!
2) Next, you need to decide if you want to stop working on your own thing and start working for someone else and figure out the minimum price you would do that for. If you would accept one dollar less that is not a minimum price.
3) Next, you need to find out if this company will meet that price.
4) If they will meet that price, only then should you get a lawyer.
Getting a lawyer as a first step is terrible advice that will cost you a lot of money and a lot of time on something that 1) you many not be interested in 2) may not actually happen.
We were in a similar situation a month ago and this was basically the advice we compiled from angels, people at YC and pervious YC companies that were bought.
We ended up mostly ignoring the acquisition talks because we weren't that interested in being acquired and (as people told us would likely be the case) they did not go through. It would have been a huge waste of time and money if we got a lawyer like some people on HN suggested, before actually figuring out steps 1-3.