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> But CloudFront charges $600 per month for custom SSL certificates

This is misleading. Cloudfront doesn't charge anything for putting your domains on an SSL cert that uses SNI. They only change you if you need a cert without SNI, which requires them to allocate a dedicated IP address to you.

I'm hosting my personal blog on S3 and cloudfront, with SSL, for less than a dollar a month.

Performance and capabilities are fine for me, too. I get 0.15 seconds to first byte from Chicago, vs 0.24 for the author's site.



If you are fine with having slashes at the end of your URLs and you do not want to do anything too complicated like content negotiation for image types, S3 and CloudFront is fine. The moment you turn on Lambda@Edge, to do the magic, things get slow after a period of no traffic.

I plan on expanding on the featureset, so no S3 for me. :)

Did you consider using periodic calls to keep the Lambda@Edge functions "warm"? I've been playing with Zappa (https://www.zappa.io) for standard Lambda and it sets this up by default.

Yes, but it's kind of a whack-a-mole since their reuse times are not public AFAIK, so it would constantly need tuning as they develop the service.

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