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I get your points.

Incidentally, I had read good reviews of OS/2 Warp in a computer magazine, PC Quest. I think they included a trial or full copy of Warp with that issue on a CD. (They used to do that now and then, and I got to try out QNX for a while that way - very fast and light OS.) It was a while back, but I remember a few things, like they said it (Warp) was very stable, maybe fast, and probably a few more good points.

I remember terms like System Object Model and Workplace Shell, although I probably did not understand all of those concepts fully - a bit too junior at the time, maybe.




Iā€™m obviously biased but I thought it was a decent O/S. App support was minimal but with the WinOS2 support you could run most Windows code. I thought the TCP/IP stack was years ahead of Windows, not quite comparable to what you'd find on SunOS/Solaris or whatever DEC ran on the microvax workstations.

IBM, being IBM, charged an arm and both legs for the development kit, even to internal employees.

I managed to use it until June 1998 when I found it was getting to be too much of a pain to dual boot to Windows to open Netscape (there was a Netscape browser for OS/2 but it was web years behind what they were distributing on Windows and *nix).


>I thought the TCP/IP stack was years ahead of Windows, not quite comparable to what you'd find on SunOS/Solaris or whatever DEC ran on the microvax workstations.

I remember back in the day, people saying that the TCP/IP and Internet layers on Windows were not good. There was this software called Trumpet Winsock, which may have tried to make things better.


You may be interested in "Mike's PC Jr. page" which is linked to in this blog post:

Lissajous hippo, retrocomputing and the IBM PC Jr.:


He wrote a TCP/IP stack for his IBM PC Jr. and is using it :)

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