Yeah, the documentation should probably reflect that. It works like shallow two-way binding, but it implemented differently. Instead of using observers on the data itself, it uses an event, thus maintaining a cleaner interface between the components and avoiding the performance problems and bugs that come with two-way binding.
`v-model` is just a syntax sugar to save you from typing `v-bind:value="val" v-on:input="val = $"` over and over. Nothing more than that.
2) You can easily distribute custom components that provide `v-model` to users
3) You can dynamically accept 3rd party components that implement `v-model`. E.g., I have a component that incorporates standard form fields, but can also be used with any custom components that properly implement `v-model`.[1]
“You can use the v-model directive to create two-way data bindings on form input and textarea elements.”