What's going on with Adobe Kuler aka Adobe Color CC? Looks like they made it easier to grab the colors recently: https://color.adobe.com/explore/?filter=most-popular&time=mo...
It works easiest when you mouseover and click "Edit Copy" (second button)
Anyone remember Color Scheme Studio? https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/15962/color-schemer-studio
What happened to them? I can't find an official website. I could imagine people still wanting to buy their software today.
What's going on with Adobe Kuler aka Adobe Color CC? Looks like they made it easier to grab the colors recently: https://color.adobe.com/explore/?filter=most-popular&time=mo...
It works easiest when you mouseover and click "Edit Copy" (second button)
Anyone remember Color Scheme Studio? https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/15962/color-schemer-studio
What happened to them? I can't find an official website. I could imagine people still wanting to buy their software today.