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>Modern JavaScript is not a very badly designed programming language.

JS fans said the same thing years ago, claimed that it didn't need classes, more extensive core library, or better syntax. Then came ES6, almost a different language, and they magically changed their opinions to match. Apparently all those features they dissed were needed and good. After seeing this kind of switch-a-roo several times I realized that most of JS community have no fucking clue. They will gladly consume and defend absolutely anything they currently consider "theirs" and "modern". It's a matter of fashion and identity rather than language and tooling quality.

JS was and is a horribly designed programming language. The Web would be lightyears ahead of its current sorry state if the core language was a dialect of List of Smalltalk.

>JS fans said the same thing years ago, claimed that it didn't need classe

Well, I didn't make that argument.

ES6 is not almost a different language. It provided many good features, though.

>JS was and is a horribly designed programming language.


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