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Yup, and I'm fine with being "wrong some % of the time" as long as I don't have to use Java. (C++ and PHP are also on that list.)

If I need to write something that's fast and portable, I use Haskell. If I need to write something that is gluing a bunch of libraries together, I use Perl.

(Java does have a lot of libraries, but the problem is that the libraries are not well-designed. Perl has a lot of well-designed libraries, and when there isn't a well-designed library, it's easy to find the right balance between rewriting, fixing, and working around. That has not been my experience with Java.)

Well, respectfully, you sound like a lot of people I know that never really learned their way around Java, therefore, it must suck.

If you're working on something where static typing and the compilation step are non-starters, then yeah, don't use Java or C++.

Regarding the libraries -- Java collections? java.util.concurrent? Guava? Those 3 by themselves will get you a long way, and for anything more specific you usually have a choice of several libraries.

I spent many years of my life writing Java. I don't mind static typing and compilation; I use Haskell extensively. (The difference being that Haskell's static typing actually makes correctness guarantees, and that when developing you can test your code in the REPL.)

I tend to think of libraries as "make me a nice HTML form" or "talk to this strange router" or "connect to Twitter". Every language has collections, concurrency, and various utility libraries like Guava. Nothing wrong with the examples you list; I've used them and am not that impressed.

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