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I never bought into the North Korean elite hackers for this reason, the country has already a lot of technological issues at the moment and having an hacker army in these conditions would be quite a feat.

I don't know, on the one hand, NK is objectively behind other nations, but on the other hand, it's still a nation-state, with millions of subjects and complete freedom in shaping their policies. They did manage to build something resembling nuclear weapon without help from outside...

Yes indeed but it took them a very long time to build some and we have a lot of traces of NK trying to get intelligence data about nuclear weapons, on the other hand, I've never seen anything which could indicate that they built a proper hacking army (not just an army of scammers to get more money).

> I've never seen anything which could indicate that they built a proper hacking army

Google for Bureau 121 and 91 Office. Just because this article is about a programmer who mostly cracked software doesn't mean that other programmers with other focus areas don't exist.

Could thier army not be composed of 1,000 technically inclined cyber-scammers and 10 "proper hackers"?

They had help from Pakistan at the start of the nuclear program.

They can pay foreign nationals to hack for them.

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