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Interview with reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian (mentalfloss.com)
58 points by Sam_Odio on April 14, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Hmm, extrapolating from the article, I guess I should get some credit for reddit's success because of my involvement with digg. Where's my cut? ;-)

Seriously though I regret not meeting the reddit guys. I felt a certain kinship with them during the crazy days of 2005. Now I'm just jealous of their exit.

"the crazy days of 2005" -- is that what we're calling them now? :)

Alexis is a really funny guy. This took me back to Reddit's Startup School talk last year at Stanford. Alexis and Steve did a slideshow presentation, and it was hilarious.

I was sitting in the back row last year and I watched him prepare the presentation during the afternoon. I didn't know what he looked like at the time but seeing him work the alien on his laptop was a dead giveaway. And yes, I did talk to him and asked about his YC experience. It certainly made the idea of doing startups more real to me. (Sigh... working at a job-job these days, but still dreaming.)

For those of you who are going this year - remember to talk to other people; meeting other like-minded hackers is part of the Startup School experience.

If Alexis hasn't been coding, what has he been doing all this time? I thought reddit was started only by hackers.

"There were three founders – me, Steve, and Alexis. Steve and I did the programming and Alexis handled promotion and customer service and office management and business development and the myriad of other tasks that came up." -a chat with aaron swartz http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2007-05-07-n78.html

I'm confused, this article says the third founder was Chris Slowe (in the picture) and not Aaron Swartz.

He draws the alien.

(graphic design and bus dev)

> Nowadays our team has exploded to a total of five.


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