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I must be missing something, but I don't see how the actual text of the paper originates from the source code. Those C instructions actually compile into the sentences of the paper as well?

From a quick look at the source[1], it seems the compiler will always generate an executable with the text from the paper (which is read from the "paper/" directory, and some bits hard-coded in the compiler source). Or something. I don't really know SML.

From what I can tell, the .exe file generated by the compiler must be really big anyway (since the relevant sizes in the header can't be small because they have to be printable). So there must be some text, it might as well be the paper.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/tom7misc/svn/HEAD/tree/trunk/abc/e...

Ah so all the x86 bytes that the actual text generates are basically just filler for the actually relevant sections of the paper (i.e. the jumble of bytes that appears)? They're never actually read or executed by the CPU?

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