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> Realistically there is no money in recorded music anymore except for the John Mayers and Taylor Swifts, so nothing has been solved in that industry and there is no 'clue' to get.

Have you seen Patreon?

> Have you seen Patreon?

Patreon, Bandcamp and Tunecore collectively pay out about $25 million per month [1]. That's minimum wage for 21 000 people, assuming each artist gets an equal share (which they obviously don't). This doesn't seem like a lot to me.

[1]: http://musically.com/2015/02/16/what-are-musicians-making-fr...

I call that a good start. Society is still learning about this kind of funding model; there will be growing pains[1]. I find it incredible that Patreon is already allowing funding talented niche artists[2], important "not advertiser safe" social/political commentary[3], and other projects that would never make it past the usual funding filters.

Yes, it isn't a lot, but it's a good start that has already had some success. Hopefully it will continue to grow.

[1] e.g. the recent drama with Patreon changing their payment model

[2] https://www.youtube.com/user/oancitizen/videos

[3] https://www.youtube.com/user/ContraPoints/videos

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