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I love Differential Synchronization. Howevr, Google Drive doesn't use it.

More specifically, by Google Drive, I assume you mean Google Docs. And Google Docs doesn't use diffsync, it uses OT.

What's OT?

why doesn't google docs use DS? Who uses DS?

What's the best choice of making something similar to google docs' co-edit feature?

I found this page informative and interesting


it has a live visualization of the OT algorithm

The live visualization was a lot of fun to play around with.

WRT "What's OT?": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational_transformation

The wiki article includes information that should answer your last question as well.

Do you happen to know why Google Docs uses OT instead of a CRDT-based system? This is something I've often wondered.

Might just be that Google docs came out before CRDTs were a thing - 2006 vs 2011.

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