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So much of CSS seems like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

That's because it pretty much is. CSS standardization and implementation has been significantly lagging what people want to do with it, so people have had to resort to hacks for a long time.

For instance, early versions of CSS were only really designed for formatting a single column of text, with possible floating images and tables. There was nothing in CSS designed for global layout; but people eventually found that you could use floats for that purpose, which was hacky but worked.

The first tool actually designed for global page layout is CSS grid, which has only recently been implemented by the latest versions of all of the major browsers. In the intervening time, you have also been able to use layout: table and flex-box, both of which give you some of the things you want but aren't quite designed for it, so the peg shape has been getting a little closer but not quite there until grid was implemented.

So for 20 years or so, people have been using tools not really designed for their jobs; there's been a lot of work at hammering those square pegs into those round holes.

Of course, now people aren't just looking to lay out static sites; rich, desktop-style web apps are a thing. flex-box is a tool for doing traditional GUI style layouts, but there's still nothing available for CSS modularization allowing rich controls to be built without being affected by other global page styles. There is a work in progress; web components and shadow DOM, but as of now that's only available in Chrome and in development in Firefox.

Anyhow, it's getting better, but it is still lagging behind what people are actually doing substantially. I think that with CSS grid, plus all of the other functionality that now exists, it would be a lot easier nowadays to have design tools which could generate fairly reasonable CSS, but I don't know of tools that take advantage of this yet.

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