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I think it's OK -- the things he's computing do fall within what mathematicians call "algebraic number theory". (I wrote a book on Algebraic Number Theory: https://wstein.org/books/ant/)

There is also this wonderful collection of Sage examples: http://abstract.ups.edu/download/aata-20160809-sage-7.3.pdf

Wow the adelic point of view is totally new for me!!! I add your book to my bookmarks and will definitely read it.

It's really nice to make a chapter on elliptic curves, it's one of my domains of research (ECC).

I have codes for CRT and Pell's equation as well, maybe I will upload them.

"Origin of the name - In local class field theory, the group of units of the local field plays a central role. In global class field theory, the idele class group takes this role (see also the definition of the idele class group). The term "idele" is a variation of the term ideal. Both terms have a relation, see the theorem about the relation between the ideal class group and the idele class group. The term "idele" (French: idèle) is an invention of the French mathematician Claude Chevalley (1909–1984) and stands for "ideal element" (abbreviated: id.el.). The term "adele" (adèle) stands for additive idele."


(Took me a few minutes just to get that - reminder, bring diving gear when venturing into math waters ;-)

Meaty stuff, some problem here displaying inline images of the html, e. g. https://wstein.org/books/ant/ant/img1885.png gives not found.

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