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> AFAIR that loophole was closed within few weeks of showing up, with patch 1.13e.

Yes, they did fix it. They made it so you could no longer write using EUDs, but you could still read from what I remember (it's been quite a while, I remember experimenting using EUDs).

> AFAIR only legitimately usable players in StarCraft were 1-8, player 12 was for "Neutral" critters & stuff; anything above 256 was beyond what the game has reserved space for, and so if you asked for the data of such high-number players, you were accessing unrelated game memory.

Yup, though you could set a colors players using a non-default map editor. Doing so would cause odd coloring of units. AFAIR after player 12, the colors weren't explicitly colored. So you got mostly black, or whatever coloring was in the users memory at the time.

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