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This is why I normally stay away from Apple services. My household runs on an eclectic mix of Android and Apple devices, and this is exactly how we like it. Google seems to have embraced the presence of Apple devices in its ecosystem, so why not the other way around?

> Google seems to have embraced the presence of Apple devices in its ecosystem, so why not the other way around?

Google is an online services company with incidental hardware, Apple Music is a hardware company with incidental online services. Google's primary concern with it's hardware is driving online services. Apple's primary concern with online services is driving it's hardware ecosystem. So, sure, Google has no problem embracing other hardware platforms for it's online services, but Apple has a lot less interest in that.

Apple Music has an Android app.

> Google seems to have embraced the presence of Apple devices in its ecosystem, so why not the other way around?

Google must, Apple is not under the same pressure to reciprocate.

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