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the valerie project[0] was a psychedelic folk band that toured the US playing screenings of "valerie and her week of wonders," a 1970 czech surrealist horror movie (highly recommended!). they were pretty awesome, especially for a one-off super obscure thing like that.

related but different: guitarist loren connors did a soundtrack for "the passion of joan of arc" (1928)[1] that I find incredibly moving. for those not familiar with connors' work, it comes from a kind of catholic guilt that makes his score and this particular film an artfully brutal pairing.

0. http://www.dragcity.com/products/the-valerie-project

1. https://vimeo.com/53953169 (excerpt)

Awesome recommendations, thanks! Was able to find the Valerie Project soundtrack album on YouTube in its entirety. The first track or two is reminiscent of The Mars Volta without the frenzy. Enjoying the heck out of all the tracks though.

If you like the valerie project's music, check out espers, helena espvall + masaki batoh, meg baird, fairport convention, greg weeks, ilyas ahmed, lau nau, gavin bryars, orion rigel dommisse, heron oblivion (definitely chaotic though) and trees (there have been a few bands with this name -- UK 1970s).

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