What does 'dockless' bike sharing mean in practice. Where do you pick up the ebikes? From the previous rider directly? How does charging the bikes work (or do they self charge via friction)?
They lock themselves when you're done and just sit on the street. You're supposed to put them out of the way of pedestrians. But the next person could come any time afterwards - they'd see the location of the bike on their app.
"Rebalancing" trucks go around and move bikes in bad locations, bottoms of hills, bushes, etc.
JUMP bikes have a u-lock built in to the back computer contraption, and unlock when you request the bike; they have an agreement with SFMTA that they can lock to any of the bike racks on the street, unsure if they're limited to certain locales or if it's city wide.
I think it means you can lock the bike anywhere you want, and the app can tell you what bikes are near you. You just need to walk up to it and unlock with your phone.