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I can barely understand what you're saying here, so I won't comment beyond this reply.

The time scale is critical. If you look at any review of numerical weather prediction accuracy, such as the one I linked to above, you will see it's a key parameter. It's why 3-day forecasts are excellent and 7-day forecasts are not very good. Good 3-day predictability does not imply good 7-day predictability.

This is no different than the pictures of the state trajectories of the Lorenz system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_attractor) starting from two nearby states, which stay together for a time, and then diverge suddenly.

It's true, the relevant laws are the Navier-Stokes differential equations, not simple laws like F = m a. But, we can observe the boundary conditions and propagate the system state forward in time. These equations do constrain the future dynamics.

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