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Does he need a resume when applying for a job? What if you got this from him in your pile of resumes:

  Degree: None
  Experience: None
  Skills: Javascript ninja & rockstar, watch this [url]
Would you hire him?

Short answer: Yes, after talking to him in person and making sure he's a social fit, too.

If it's of interest, we hired him from Hyperisland (http://www.hyperisland.se), a school in Sweden focused on interactive design and development. The school is top notch and most students end up in interactive agencies.

And if it's of further interest, our best designers and the CEO never attended college. They simple have been passionate about design from a young age and had enough drive to pursue their craft to master it. For the interactive agency industry, it really just matters what you can produce, so a spectacular portfolio without degrees to back it up can land you a job.

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