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Notifo (YC W10) Launches New Site and Mac Growl Client (notifo.com)
55 points by PStamatiou on Aug 20, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

The new site is really great. Notifo was one of those services that launched with such a terrible look and feel, but I still thought the core idea they had was pretty solid. I figured they could always go back later on, clean things up and do quite well. I'm glad to see that they've been able to do just that. Really happy for them.

I'd love to see more and more service adoption now; hopefully the new site + new Mac client will help foster that.

Yes!! I've been waiting on this one for a very long time (though had some python hacks aside). But a very timely update indeed thanks!

I do hope there will be a easy_install package for *nix folks.

I don't want to pressure anyone and the new site sure looks great but... Android, pretty please?


Sent from my Droid

It's currently Priority 0 (meaning, top priority!)

If you'd like to be part of the beta list or know when the app is out, please add your email here: http://notifo.com/mobile_apps/android

Can't wait to see all the web I consume flow thru Notifo! RSS feeds and Atom feeds on way! Also make a Chrome Extension to subscribe to web page whenever I'm on it (extract the feed url from the page's body). So useful for short and long term subscriptions...

Chad, new site looks great, is that Paul's handywork?

Yup :) if I may say so myself.

just signed up and am very interested to use to generate alerts from mysql. NB Drew Crawford's new Phone Pipe command line service: http://github.com/drewcrawford/Phone-Pipe

Hey Notifo,

FYI there is a bad link on http://notifo.com/user/setup in this paragraph.

Services and projects are continually being released for Notifo. Some services require you to visit their website and provide your username. Projects send notifications to your account only and require your API Secret found on the settings page.

http://notifo.com/settings should point to http://notifo.com/user/settings

Thanks! fixed and deployed to production.

Ha, that was quick, you fixed it before I could enter my notifo user name in my hn profile.

that's how jazzy and stammy roll

In Google Chrome 5.0.375.125 on OS X, your new website looks like this after a brief flash of working content: http://imgur.com/kvDye.png

If I block the TypeKit script, it works just fine. I think it looks better too.

I noticed that same thing once or twice during development but couldnt reproduce it regularly. Yeah it's typekit. I sent them a screencast of the issue but haven't heard back (this was about a week ago).

If I closed Chrome or did the icognito mode it worked just fine. Any tips on how to reproduce it would be appreciated.

fwiw, prowl has done the same thing (forward growl notifications to an iphone) for at least a year:


i submitted a patch to the adium guys to be able to generate events (growl notifications, and thus prowl events) only while away:


this way as soon as i stepped away from or locked my mac, adium would go away and any instant messages received while i was away would get instantly forwarded to my phone.

now that i'm on an android phone and an openbsd laptop, i can't use this setup anymore, but i'm anxiously awaiting notifo's android client so i can write something to do this with pidgin.

well, this isn't actually that. it's the other way around. notifications you get through Notifo are displayed through Growl on your mac (not forwarded from growl to notifo).

There are a couple of growl forwarder plugins out there for notifo that have been made by the community.

we're working on the Android client, have no fear :)

Every time I try the site on my iPhone, safari crashes immediately. I can share details by email.

In short: It's the typekit fonts. I had experimental iPad/iPhone support enabled, which works fine with iOS 4 Mobile Safari but likes crashing previous Mobile Safari versions. I just disabled it.


Long version: we have a dedicated mobile version of the site but we never got around to updating that before the launch so we disabled it.. had some other issues too and the content was all outdated. So a mobile friendly version of the site will be built soonish. I just wish jQuery Mobile was here already so I could build it with that. :)

Great work Paul and Chad

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