I've been using that app too, but I haven't found the data particularly interesting or meaningful.
The other thing I've also been doing that I've found much more fulfilling is writing down a daily highlight at the end of each day. I just add an event to a dedicated calendar that summaries the best moment of my day.
It's been really interesting to look back over, and it's a great memory prompt, because it gives me a way of looking back at the enjoyable times throughout the year. I've been going for just over a year, and I really don't see any reason to ever stop!
Great idea. Especially because it's low effort. People just don't stick with things that feel like a chore, but this just takes a moment and gets you thinking about what's right in your life. Nice.
The other thing I've also been doing that I've found much more fulfilling is writing down a daily highlight at the end of each day. I just add an event to a dedicated calendar that summaries the best moment of my day.
It's been really interesting to look back over, and it's a great memory prompt, because it gives me a way of looking back at the enjoyable times throughout the year. I've been going for just over a year, and I really don't see any reason to ever stop!