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And this is where vegeterianism/veganism can turn into a religion. Where people start looking for rules as opposed to using logic of why something should be this way. It actually reminds me a lot of how very observant Jews treat the rules for Kosher food.

If you're a vegetarian for ethical or environmental reasons, I'd think lab grown meat is probably totally ok to eat. If you're a vegetarian for health reasons, not sure why you can't eat meat a few meals a month?

All food restrictions are religion. Will you eat sushi? Bugs? Vegetable protein paste? Why not? Most excuses are just religion dressed up.

Here's a train of thought to help illustrate:

I'm not vegan but I'm glad to eat lab-grow meat! Its clearly acceptable for {many reasons}.

Oh, how about meat grown from rats? Tasty and nutritious?

Uh, well, sure I guess.

How about grown from apes?

But...but...that's not...

And our new product: meat from people. Tastes like pork!

No, wait a minute, that's going too far!

The latest fad: meat from people you know! Your spouse! Your kids! Your grandmother!

Blech! I couldn't eat that!

Everybody has a different 'blech' threshold. And its all 'religion'.

> All food restrictions are religion. Will you eat sushi? Bugs? Vegetable protein paste? Why not? Most excuses are just religion dressed up.

What about just that I don't prefer the taste?

For instance, I would have no problem trying meat made in the lab from rats, apes or people.

But I probably wouldn't eat fish or goat or lamb, not because I have some"religious" reason for it.

If a religion can be defined as only a set of personal preferences, it seems like the entire concept of a religion is without a real clear boundary.

Well you're using religion in a very non-standard way. I could just as easily call every single thing you think "religion".

As a moral compass that guides our behavior without logic? Doesn't seem too far off...

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