This has actually been declassified for quite a while[0].
Coincidentally, I started reading Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords And Their Godfathers by Anabel Hernández last week, and although the writing is a bit scattershot, it’s quite an eye-opener. I’m only 1/4 through it, but so far, the level of detail is shocking about precisely how deep rooted the corruption is (or at least was until the mid nineties, which is where I’m at now) inside the Mexican government and simultaneously how invasive the interference is from the US government.
Key part towards the end.
"Mexico partnered with the U.S in many ways, from helping intercept the russian and cuban embassies, to trying to find links between Oswald and the Kennedy assassination.
Sources told the CIA that Oswald had deposited 5k dlls in a Mexican bank. In a document dated march 9, 1964, it was reported that Mexico traced all of these deposits in Mexican banks trying to look for the money. They didn't find any transactions by Oswald" wrote the NYT as part of these new revelations.
The 25 year deadline to declassify them was set in the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, signed by George Bush senior
He didn't declassify them. They were scheduled to be declassified. Trump's involvement was that the IC asked him to stop them from being declassified and he ignored their request, probably out of spite for the IC.
What's the chance these documents are not actually true? If I was the CIA I would use these leaks to declassify false information about my enemies, hoping to destabilise their regimes.
Coincidentally, I started reading Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords And Their Godfathers by Anabel Hernández last week, and although the writing is a bit scattershot, it’s quite an eye-opener. I’m only 1/4 through it, but so far, the level of detail is shocking about precisely how deep rooted the corruption is (or at least was until the mid nineties, which is where I’m at now) inside the Mexican government and simultaneously how invasive the interference is from the US government.