Denver appears to be the current favourite (also chosen by the NYT as the winner) but doesn't have any flights to Asia except for Tokyo[1]. But I guess being sufficiently connected within the US is enough, not sure how many flights to China they need.
Denver's airport is one of the biggest airports[1]. When I first moved to Denver in 2014, they didn't have a flight to India. In 2015 they announced a _direct_ flight to Banglore, India. My point being not having a flight is not really a roadblock.
Denver has a huge airport and is a major United hub. It's just that most non-stop flights to Asia from the US leave from the West Coast (although this is less true than it used to be).
I don't know if opinion of residents is that strong? I live here and would welcome Amazon as would a lot of the people I work with from my conversations. But then again my circle is younger, wealthier, white etc.