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Getting the First 1,000 Visitors: A Case Study (trackjumper.com)
20 points by priv_acy on Aug 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This article is fluff, it says nothing beyond "submit to app directories", which is an unsustainable and small source of traffic.

Getting 1000 visitors is trivially easy. Write a single blog post, social bookmark it, do some very simple linkbuilding and in a month you'll have those 1000 visitors. If you don't like that, I can do a media buy and get you 1000 visitors for about $2 right now. They probably won't convert, though.

If you want to scale up and get traffic though, manually submitting to directories brings very low ROI on your time. You'll have to do some serious SEO/content, quality PR, or build out a large PPC campaign.

An article about how to get the first 1000 signups would be much more useful.

I agree. Also 8secs time on page? Seems to be just a link confirmation.

Anyway, lets see how this develops.

Taken from homepage: "TrackJumper is designed for freelancers, web development shops, startups and other small teams"

I would recommend hitting up as many bloggers as possible in those niches. Explain to them briefly how your app can be useful to them personally as well as their readers. Offer a free trial / demo.

Who really reads those app directories anyway?

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