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This is also what I would like to know. How many are spams, automatic notifications, "cold calls" and undesirable personnal sollicitations, mail sent to him to be in the loop but which are not really relevant to him, etc.

Regarding your second point, I do think it is possible to have many hundred mails per day of personnal sollicitations which I would call legitimate mails.

When most people cross the street no one cares and they can move freely. If it is a well known person, like a star, many people will try to talk to him, ask for something, or whatever to the point they can't move or even become in danger. So it is possible that some people become overdrawn by legitimate mails. But this is quite exceptional and concluding from this that "mail sucks" is not very fair.

It sucks and in many ways, but not because of that type of situation.

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