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Possible to access a "guide" of some sort. A person that knows jitsi, what it can do, how to mod it a little, and what would need to be done to change "settings a to something else"?

I need this, but after spending months trying to work with rocket chat only to find the few tweaks I need just can't be done (easily, and with a reason (to me) budget) - I gave up.

If I could pay someone $100 to walk me through it a bit, answer a few questions, and guide me to how to mod it to what I need, I'd jump.

I think the last time I looked at jiti there was like a mailing list or something suggested for contacting people(?) - I love email, and don't use fbook.. so that's great, but I just never took that step for whatever reason.

Sadly, one of those "chat with us" boxes on the side that just took you to a faq or offered to sign you up to the mail list might be good in that situation.

Would love to have this working on our servers with a few modifications.

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