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This isn't about society asking about anything. First off, it's not asking if it's compulsory - it's forced. Second, it's not society it's a few people who are in control -- people who the majority of society things are doing a poor job, as evidenced by congress's approval numbers. These programs are always aimed at the young who have no political voice -- we don't hear about programs to force the elderly or those entering their forties to put their lives on hold so that can give back to society for a year or two -- there'd be outrage, yet when someone is young most don't think at all about the rights of those they are "asking to volunteer."

What does national service to for the nation? It robs people of productive time that could be spent pursuing an education or career. Things that improve the world around them.

Furthermore you second thought is fundamentally flawed, you do not lay a claim on anyone by merely being nice to them. How would you like it if I swept you sidewalk, raked your leaves, etc because I enjoyed the way it made the neighborhood looked and then came to you 10 years later and demanded payment for all the help I gave to you. Your parents, your environment, etc are all the responsibility of individuals carrying out their own will - they do it because it's what they want to do; they may not enjoy it, but they still want it done.

No one owes anyone anything when they did not enter into a formal agreement, the likes of which cannot be entered into by a child. This does not mean that you shouldn't help your neighbor, volunteer your time, donate money, etc - because you want to. But to lay claim, to demand that someone pay debts they did not incur on the threat of violence is a dangerous and unjust claim.

PS if any of this sounds inflammatory, please disregard -- all is intended as a polite philosophical discussion.

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