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> This redesign is just playing around with colors, background images and minor visual adjustments to the message view. Nobody needs this.

Some UI components do need rework. Redundant search fields, password dialogs that fail to track the login state, etc.

It also strikes me as very odd that someone states that nobody needs UI work on a GUI app, particularly when GUI components make between 50% and 75% of thjs sort of app's code base

I have yet to recover from last time they reworked the UI, so it's not that obvious that a rework is needed or good.

I don't remember how long ago this UI rework happened that added opening email in a tab, but to this day I still get called because "something's wrong with the computer, I can't read my emails " and I just close the gajillions opened tabs in thunderbird to fix the issue.

It improved through time as a significant portion of my users' email moved from desktop to tablets.

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