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The routing problem of internet nodes:

  the internet is not a physical space so tell me how do you
  measure distance between nodes?
To which you have no answer.

As stated in the OP:

  LN can't solve the TSP without either publishing a map of 
  all nodes and routes, or having all nodes broadcasts to all nodes. 

Unsurprisingly you didn't read the original post, nor contribute any response to the critique or technical implementation of routing in the LN design.

LN relies on hubs and a map. It's setup to extract wealth into centralized liquidity providers. This is antithetical to cash, and at this point why not use a faster centralized service like venmo?

> the internet is not a physical space so tell me how do you measure distance between nodes?

You’re the one that claimed connection to TSP, you tell me.

Your posts contribute nothing.

Shortest path requires publishing all nodes and connections.

What if nodes go offline? How fast will the LN algorithm reroute? Does this mean everyone must connect to the Winkevoss/Bitmain/WellsFargo Nodes for payments?

Why would anyone bother dealing in Bitcoin when there's other usable alternatives, faster cryptocurrencies, or just paypal/venmo?

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