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I have the feeling that the Open Source community left the email world a while ago. There is almost nothing happening there.

You may argue that it's because email is a solved problem by now, but I don't think so:

Setting your own personal email server? Still a hassle to do correctly. Full text search a la Gmail? You can forget it. Threaded conversations across folders? Not for you. Hosting a webmail? Good luck finding a maintained one. Want a desktop client? The flagship Thunderbird is not the healthiest project right now.

I would really like to see the Redis or the Golang of emails.

There are work in progress right now, e.g. trojita[1], caliopen[2], kube[3], ...

Setting up your personal email server correctly hassle free: mail-in-a-box[4]

Most gmail features requires losing all expectations of privacy and as such are not desirable or feasible. That said IINM full text search already exists in kde's kmail.

I have no use for threaded conversations across folder, so I have no suggestions for this, sorry.

Maintained opensource webmails do exist, e.g. roundcube[5], mailpile[6], rainloop[7], zimbra[8], ...

Non thunderbird desktop clients do exist too: claws[9], sylpheed[10], kmail[11], mail[12], geary[13], ...

[1]: https://trojita.flaska.net/

[2]: https://www.caliopen.org/en/

[3]: https://kube.kde.org/

[4]: https://mailinabox.email/ and https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox

[5]: https://roundcube.net/

[6]: https://www.mailpile.is/

[7]: https://www.rainloop.net/

[8]: https://www.zimbra.com/

[9]: http://www.claws-mail.org/

[10]: http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/

[11]: https://userbase.kde.org/KMail

[12]: https://github.com/elementary/mail

[13]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary

I should also mention modoboa[1] which is an opensource mail hosting solution with a web interface.

[1]: https://modoboa.org/en/

[1]: https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa

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