Who said it's not their problem? But it's also relying on someone else to fix something that you could fix. If I need to get somewhere it doesn't matter if my car's engine is broken because the company stabbed it with bolts I just need a working car. I can sit around whining about how awful the car company is but it doesn't get shit done fast.
Extreme ownership of problems. It's a really helpful concept. You'll stop trying to blame people all of the time for things that you can control and find solutions for them instead. On top of that, if you can't control it you can let it go as something that you can't fix.
If getting shit done fast is your goal, then you are gonna get burned, and I have very little sympathy for you. We should be focusing in getting shit done solid. If it's such a big deal that something works, why build unstable systems in the first place?
If you need your car to be reliable, don't bolt experimental features onto it, and test it before you need to take it on the road.