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What does that even mean? What mail column?

Presumably the column with the list of emails in the currently selected inbox. (2nd column from left.)

Some email clients have multiple rows of information in that column - the first row might have name & subject, the next row might show the first two sentences of the email. Or it might have the subject on a separate line, so the column can be kept narrow but still show the full subject line.

Think of the iOS Mail or Android GMail interfaces, for example.

I hope they don't go in that direction, I like my emails compact on 1 line.

There's a sane responsive interface solution to that: you get single-line layout on wide screen, and a compact multi-line layout on narrow screen. Answering a nearby comment, it's doable in CSS-only[1].

This entire discussion is not about complex interface design and the lack of technical solutions, but the stagnating product. And about questionable actions to give it a peppy appearance.

[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queri...

I am pretty sure we could come up with something like a switch in the option.

It's not doable with CSS only anyway, so it won't happen if they just design a new theme on the current XUL toolkit (correct me if anything changed about that lately).

I agree. Call me old fashioned, but I believe subject lines should be a line with the subject.

> Think of the iOS Mail or Android GMail interfaces, for example.

Or outlook 2003 https://www.microsoft.com/middleeast/office/images/editions/... which was released like 15 years ago. I remember because I made an office 2003 theme for thunderbird. I am never touching that 1500 CSS files clusterfuck again.

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